General business terms - PC SOFIS

General terms and conditions

Art. I. Introductory provisions

These terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations of the seller, which is the entrepreneur Univerzitné Centrum Košice s.r.o., with registered office: Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice - Nad jazerom district 040 12, ID number: 50 687 263, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Košice I, Section : Ltd., insert no. 40654/V (hereinafter referred to as the "seller" or "operator") and the buyer, resulting from the sale contract concluded between the seller and the buyer via the seller's e-commerce website

Identification data of the seller

Business name: Univerzitné Centrum Košice s.r.o.
Address: Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice – district Nad jazerom 040 12
Business ID: 50 687 263
Registration: CR of the District Court of Košice I, Section : Ltd., insert no. 40654/V
Tax ID: 2120428068

Contact details of the seller:

Telephone numbers: +421 908 913 884 , +421 55 381 34 05‬
Correspondance address: Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice – district Nad jazerom 040 12
Address for complaints: Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice – district Nad jazerom 040 12
Address for returning product (withdrawal from the contract): Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice – district Nad jazerom 040 12

Bank account of the seller for credit transfers:

Bank name: Československá obchodná banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK73 7500 0000 0040 3000 9426

1.2 By sending an order to the seller, the buyer expresses his consent to the fact that these terms and conditions govern the sale contract concluded between the seller and the buyer via the seller's e-commerce website (hereinafter referred to as the "sale contract"), as well as the relationship created during or in connection with the conclusion of such of the sale contract, when claiming or returning a voucher sold by the seller (hereinafter referred to as "product").

1.3 These terms and conditions are an integral part of every sale contract. If the seller and the buyer agree in a written sale contract on terms other than those set forth in these terms and conditions, the provisions of such a written sale contract take precedence over these terms and conditions.

1.4 The seller and the buyer have agreed that if the obligation relationship established between them by concluding a sale contract or arising between them in connection with the conclusion of a sale contract contains a foreign element (e.g. the buyer is a citizen of a state other than the Slovak Republic), then such relationship is governed by the legal system of Slovak Republic.

1.5 The seller and the buyer have agreed that for the negotiation and decision of disputes arising between them in connection with the obligation relationship established between them by concluding a sale contract or in connection with the obligation relationship established between them in connection with the conclusion of the sale contract, if such relationship contains a foreign element, are in competence of courts of Slovak Republic.

1.6 These terms and conditions apply to the buyer who is a consumer in accordance with § 2 letter a) of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection on the amendment of Act of the Slovak National Council no. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection"). Legal relations between the seller and the buyer who is a consumer, not regulated by these terms and conditions, are governed by the relevant legal regulations, in particular the provisions of Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended, Act no. 22/2004 Coll. on electronic commerce, Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection when selling products or providing services on the basis of a contract concluded remotely or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on the amendment of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as "Act No. 102/2014 Coll.") and Act 391/2015 Z. z. on the alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on the amendment of certain laws.

1.7 These terms and conditions, with the exception of the provisions of Article VI. and Article VII. they also apply to a buyer who is not a consumer. Legal relations between the seller and the buyer who is not a consumer, not regulated by these terms and conditions, are mainly governed by the relevant provisions of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended and Act No. 22/2004 Coll. about electronic commerce.

1.8 If the buyer states the ID number in the order, it is considered not a consumer and does not act as a consumer when concluding the sale contract.

Art. II. Procedure for concluding a sale contract

2.1 When concluding a sale contract, the buyer proceeds by selecting the products he is interested in buying in the e-shop on the seller's website and placing them in the "Cart" by clicking the "add to cart" button. Subsequently, by selecting the appropriate button, the buyer decides whether to continue with the purchase or go to the "Cart".

2.2 After completing the selection of product/products, the buyer goes (for example, by clicking on the shopping bag icon in the upper right part of the seller's website) to the "Cart" where he can check, confirm, change or cancel the ordered products and their quantity. The "Cart" mainly contains information about the purchased products (Products), the quantity and price of the ordered products.

2.3 After confirming the contents of the "Cart" by pressing the "Next step" button, the buyer goes to the page for entering the method of delivery of the products, the method of payment and the buyer's invoicing, company or delivery data. On this page, the buyer is obliged to indicate, or select or confirm, in particular, the method of payment, the method of delivery of the products, the buyer's first and last name, the buyer's e-mail address, the buyer's billing address, the buyer's phone number, the state, in the case of legal entities, the company name, the buyer's ID number, VAT number and/or VAT number. The buyer is obliged to always provide complete, true and correct data on the seller's website. The buyer is obliged to fill in all the data required by the site.

2.4 After entering the method of delivery of the products, entering the method of payment for the products and filling in the contact, invoicing and delivery data, the total price of the order, including the cost of transport/delivery, will be displayed to the buyer. To successfully create and send an order to the seller, the buyer is required to "check" the box "I agree to the terms and conditions" and "I agree to the processing of personal data", and then click the "Next" button. The buyer is obliged to check the correctness of the entered and selected data and data in the process of ordering the products before they are definitively sent to the seller.
2.5 Before clicking the "Order with payment obligation" button, the buyer has the opportunity to check the content of the order and cancel or change the order.

2.6 The order sent to the seller is a proposal to conclude a sale contract under the terms and conditions of these terms and conditions. The order is intended for the seller to be accepted by the seller within 15 days from its delivery to the seller.

2.7 The sale contract between the seller and the buyer is created by the seller's binding acceptance of the buyer's order, which the seller will carry out by sending an e-mail message to the buyer's address confirming the order on the condition that the buyer pays the price of the ordered products to the full extent. In the body of the e-mail message according to the previous sentence, the buyer's invoicing and delivery data, the type, quantity and price of the ordered products, the selected method, price and place of delivery of the products, the selected method of payment for the products as well as the total price of the products together with the cost of shipping will be indicated. If necessary, additional information related to his order will be sent to the buyer's e-mail address.

2.8 Before the binding acceptance of the buyer's order by the seller, the seller (depending on the nature of the order and the ordered products) is entitled, at his own discretion, to ask the buyer for an additional confirmation of the order, or to contact the buyer in connection with the processing of the order (e.g. by phone or e-mail).

2.9 The seller is entitled to reject the order and not deliver the ordered products to the buyer, if the buyer provided incorrect or misleading information when creating the order.

2.10 The seller is entitled to reject the order and not deliver the ordered products to the buyer even if the buyer has violated the terms of another sale agreement with the seller in the past.

2.11 The buyer will be informed about the rejection of the order by e-mail. If the buyer paid the purchase price or part of it before rejecting the order, the seller will return the paid amount to the buyer within 14 days to the account specified by him, unless otherwise agreed with the buyer.

2.12 The seller is entitled to withdraw from the sale contract if the buyer provided incorrect or misleading information when creating the order. In case of withdrawal from the sale contract by the seller, the seller will return to the buyer all payments received in connection with the sale contract within 14 days of withdrawal from the sale contract.

2.13 The data in the invoice for the delivery of the products cannot be changed after the price of the products has been paid or after the products have been received by the buyer.

Art. III. Payment for products

3.1 All prices for products and services and all fees in the seller's online store are in Euros (EUR) and as final prices.

3.2 The buyer is obliged to pay for the ordered products the price according to the order. Together with the price of the products, the buyer is obliged to pay the price for the transport of the products according to the order. Before the final dispatch of the order, the buyer is informed of the total (final) price of the products and all other fees related to the delivery of the products to the buyer.

3.3 The purchase price of the products does not include the fees of the buyer's bank for payment of the purchase price or the costs of using electronic means for communication by the buyer. The buyer is obliged to pay these fees and costs on the basis of the buyer's relationship with the bank and on the basis of the buyer's relationship with the internet connection provider.

3.4 The buyer can pay the purchase price for the products and any costs associated with the delivery of the products and payment for the products according to the sale contract to the seller, depending on the chosen mode of transport, or download in the following ways:

  1. cashless via payment card during the order process, or immediately after sending the order (no fee, but the buyer pays the fees of his bank).

Art. IV. Supply of products

4.1 The seller delivers products exclusively to the territory of countries that can be selected from the list of delivery countries in the process of creating an order.

4.2 Method of delivery or the buyer chooses to take over the products in the process of compiling the order for the products. In the process of creating the order, the buyer can choose the method of delivery of the products only in the form of electronic delivery (email address entered on it).

4.3 The seller is obliged to deliver the products electronically to the buyer's email address specified in the order confirmation within two days of the order confirmation.

4.4 If, for reasons on the part of the buyer, it is necessary to deliver the products repeatedly or in a different way than was stated in the order, the buyer is obliged to compensate seller’s costs associated with repeated delivery of the products, or costs associated with another delivery method.

Art. V. Ownership of the products, risk of damage to the products, conditions of use of the products

5.1 Ownership of the products is transferred to the buyer only after full payment of the purchase price for the products, but never before the buyer takes over the products.

5.2 The risk of damage to the products passes to the buyer when he takes over the products from the seller.

5.3 The period of validity of the products - voucher is 90 days from the day of its issue, and the buyer undertakes to comply with it. After the validity period of the voucher has expired, the buyer loses the right to the provision of rights arising from the issued voucher without the right to a refund of the price of the products.

Art. VI. Withdrawal from the sale contract

6.1 The seller instructs the buyer that the buyer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the sale contract without giving a reason under the conditions regulated by Act no. 102/2014 Coll., within 14 days from the day of receipt of the products.

6.2 The buyer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the sale contract without giving a reason within 14 days of receiving the products. The products are considered to be taken over by the buyer at the moment when

  1. is sent by the seller to the buyer's email address specified in the order confirmation.

6.3 The buyer who is a consumer may withdraw from the sale contract, the subject of which is the delivery of products, even before the expiry of the withdrawal period from the sale contract.

6.4 The buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the sale contract of which it is the subject

  1. sale of products made (exhibited) according to the special requirements of the buyer.

6.5 To enforce the right to withdraw from the contract, the buyer is obliged to inform the seller of his decision to withdraw from the sale contract by a clear statement (for example, by letter sent by post or e-mail) sent to one of the seller's contact addresses, which are listed at the beginning of these terms and conditions when identifying the seller.

6.6 For the purpose of withdrawing from the sale contract, the buyer can also use a sample form that the buyer can download HERE; if the buyer intends to withdraw from the sale contract, the buyer is obliged to send the completed sample form to the seller at the e-mail address or by post. If the buyer withdraws from the sale contract by filling out and sending the form to the seller's e-mail address, the seller will immediately confirm the acceptance of the withdrawal to the buyer by e-mail.

6.7 The deadline for withdrawing from the sale contract is preserved if the buyer sends a notice of enforce the right to withdraw from the sale contract to the seller before the deadline for withdrawing from the sale contract expires.

6.8 In the event of a valid and effective withdrawal from the sale contract, the seller is obliged to return to the buyer all payments made by the buyer in connection with the conclusion of the sale contract, in particular the purchase price, including the costs of delivering the products to the buyer, but excluding additional costs if the buyer has chosen another type of delivery, such as the cheapest common delivery method offered by the seller. Additional costs mean the difference between the delivery costs chosen by the buyer and the costs of the cheapest common delivery method offered by the seller. The seller is obliged (with the exception of the case according to point 6.9 of these terms and conditions) to return payments to the buyer without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the day when the buyer's notice of withdrawal from the sale contract was delivered to the seller. The seller is obliged to make the payment in question in the same way that the buyer used when paying for the products; the seller can also agree with the buyer on another method of refunding the payment, the buyer may not be charged any payments in connection with such another method.

Art. VII. Complaints - Complaints procedure

7.1 This complaint procedure applies to products purchased by a buyer who is a consumer through the seller's electronic store.

7.2 Complaint is understood as the application of liability for defects in the products by the seller to the buyer. The buyer is obliged to file a claim with the seller without delay in accordance with the valid claims procedure.

7.3 The buyer is obliged to send the products complaint to the seller by post to the address: Univerzitné Centrum Košice s.r.o., Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice - Nad jazerom district 040 12, Slovak Republic, or by email to the e-mail address

7.4 The buyer is obliged to deliver the claimed products to the address: Univerzitné Centrum Košice s.r.o., Napájadla 2768/18, Košice - city district Nad jazerom 040 12, Slovak Republic or by email to the email address

7.5 The buyer is obliged to deliver the claimed products to the seller, including an invoice or other proof of payment.

7.6 The handling of complaints is subject to the valid Complaints Procedure, which is the content of this Article VII. By sending the order to the seller, the buyer confirms that he has read the Complaints Procedure and agrees with it in its entirety, and at the same time confirms that he has been properly informed about the conditions and method of claiming products, including data on where the claim can be made, and on the performance of warranty repairs in accordance with section § 18 par. 1 of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection.

7.7 The buyer has the right to claim a warranty from the seller only for products that show defects caused by the seller, are covered by the warranty and were purchased from the seller.

7.8 If a defect can be removed, the buyer has the right to have it removed free of charge, on time and properly. The seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. The buyer can request the replacement of the products instead of removing the defect. The seller can always replace the defective item with a faultless one instead of removing the defect, if this does not cause serious difficulties for the buyer.

7.9 If a defect
cannot be removed and which prevents the item from being properly used as a defect-free item, the buyer has the right to exchange the item or withdraw from the contract. The same rights belong to the buyer if the defects can be removed, but if the buyer cannot properly use the item due to the reoccurrence of the defect or due to a larger number of defects. If there are other irreparable defects, the buyer has the right to a reasonable discount from the price of the item.

7.10 The warranty period is 24 months (unless a different warranty period is specified for specific cases) and begins to run from the day the products are received by the buyer. For products sold at a lower price due to a defect, the seller provides a warranty of 24 months, while the warranty does not apply to defects for which the price was reduced; such defects must be stated in the sale contract.

7.11 After starting the complaint procedure, the warranty period does not expire until the day of notification of the result of the complaint

7.12 If the products show defects, the buyer has the right to file a claim at the seller's establishment in accordance with sec. § 18 par. 2 of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection by delivering the products by e-mail to the e-mail address or to the seller's office at the address Univerzitné Centrum Košice s.r.o., Napájadlá 2768/18, Košice - Nad jazerom district 040 12, Slovak Republic and filling the claim form (which the buyer can download HERE) and delivers it to the seller. The buyer is obliged to indicate exactly the type of the product in the form and the scope of product defects.

7.13 The products complaint procedure begins on the day when all the following conditions are met:

  1. delivery of a duly completed claim form from the buyer to the seller,
  2. delivery of the claimed products from the buyer to the address specified by the seller in these Complaints regulations.

The beginning of the complaint procedure is also the day of application of the complaint.

7.14 The seller or a designated person issues a confirmation of the application of the products complaint to the buyer in a suitable form chosen by the seller, e.g. in the form of an e-mail or in writing, in which he is obliged to accurately mark the defects of the products in accordance with sec. § 18 par. 4 of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and instruct the buyer about his rights, which arise from section § 622 and para. § 623 of the Civil Code. If the claim is made via means of remote communication, the seller is obliged to deliver the confirmation of the claim to the buyer immediately; if it is not possible to deliver the confirmation immediately, it must be delivered without unnecessary delay, but at the latest together with a document on the processing of the claim; confirmation of the application of the claim does not need to be delivered if the buyer has the opportunity to demonstrate the application of the claim in another way.

7.15 On the basis of the buyer's decision, which of its rights in accordance with sec. § 622 and para. § 623 of the Civil Code applies, the seller or designated person is obliged to determine the method of processing the claim according to section § 2 letter m) of Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection immediately, in more complex cases within 3 days from the start of the complaint procedure, in justified cases, especially if a complex technical evaluation of the condition of the products is required, no later than 30 days from the start of the complaint procedure. After determining the method of handling the complaint, the seller or the designated person will handle the complaint immediately, in justified cases the complaint can also be handled later. However, the processing of the claim must not take longer than 30 days from the date of application of the claim. After the expiry of the deadline for processing the complaint, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange the products for new products. The seller informs the buyer about the end of the complaint procedure and the result of the complaint in the form agreed between both contractual parties, and at the same time the complaint protocol will be delivered to the buyer together with the products.

7.16 If the buyer made a claim for the products within the first 12 months from the conclusion of the sale contract, the seller can handle the claim by rejecting it only on the basis of an expert's statement or an opinion issued by an authorized, notified or accredited person, or the opinion of a designated person (hereinafter referred to as "expert report"). Regardless of the result of the expert report, the seller cannot require the buyer to pay the costs of the expert report of the products or other costs related to the expert report of the products.

7.17 If the buyer made a complaint about the product after 12 months from the conclusion of the sale contract and the seller rejected it, the person who processed the complaint is obliged to indicate in the complaint processing document to whom the buyer can send the products for expert report. If the buyer sends the product for expert report to the specified person specified in the claim document, the costs of the expert report of the products, as well as all other related costs, are borne by the seller, regardless of the result of the expert report. If the buyer proves the seller's responsibility for the claimed defect in the products through expert report, he can apply the claim again; the warranty period does not expire during the expert report of the products. The seller is obliged to compensate the buyer within 14 days from the date of the renewed claim all costs incurred for the expert report of the products, as well as all related costs incurred purposefully. A renewed claim cannot be rejected.

7.18 The buyer does not have the right to apply the warranty for aberrations of which he was informed by the seller at the time of concluding the contract, or of which, taking into account the circumstances under which the sale contract was concluded, he must have known.

7.19 The seller is obliged to handle the complaint and end the complaint procedure in one of the following ways:

  1. by handing over the repaired products,
  2. by exchanging products,
  3. by returning the purchase price of the products,
  4. by paying an appropriate discount on the price of the products,
  5. a written invitation to take over the performance specified by the seller,
  6. justified rejection of the products claim.

7.20 The buyer's right to use the warranty with the seller expires:

  1. by not submitting a proof of payment, delivery note or warranty certificate, accessories or documentation of the products,
  2. upon expiry of the warranty period of the products,
  3. mechanical damage to the products caused by the buyer,
  4. using the products in conditions for which the products are not intended,
  5. neglecting the care of the products.

7.21 The seller is obliged to issue a written document to the buyer about the processing of the claim no later than 30 days from the day of the claim through a postal or courier or delivery service provider, or via e-mail.

7.22 If the buyer is not satisfied with the way in which the seller handled his complaint or if he believes that the seller has violated his rights, he has the opportunity to contact the seller with a request for correction. If the seller responds negatively to the request for correction or does not respond to it within 30 days from the date of its dispatch, the buyer has the right to submit a proposal to start an alternative solution to his dispute according to the provisions of § 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to certain laws. The competent entity for alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the seller is Slovenská obchodná inšpekcia Prievozská 32, 827 99 Bratislava 27, or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of entities for alternative dispute resolution maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list of such entities can be found on the website; the buyer has the right to choose which of the listed entities of alternative resolution of consumer disputes to turn to.

7.23 The buyer is entitled to use the online dispute resolution platform (hereinafter referred to as "DRP") to resolve their disputes, in the language of their choice. The buyer can use the DRP platform for an alternative resolution of their dispute, which is available on the website When submitting a submission to the DRP
platform, the buyer fills out an electronic complaint form. The information it submits must be sufficient to determine the relevant online alternative dispute resolution entity. The buyer can attach documents to support his complaint.

Art. VIII. Privacy

8.1 In the case of using the services of purchase via the Operator's e-shop, the contracting parties have agreed that the buyer (hereinafter referred to as the "person concerned"), if he is a natural person, will notify the seller of his name and surname, address of permanent residence including zip code, telephone number, e-mail address, current account number (sales through the e-shop payment gateway). The affected person provides personal data to the Operator voluntarily and freely for the purpose of fulfilling his obligations arising from the sale contract and further communication with him. Without their provision, the Operator in the position of the seller cannot properly fulfill the contract with the affected person, and therefore it will not be possible to conclude it with the affected person as a buyer. The purpose of processing this personal data is the issuance of a tax document, pre-contractual relations, identification of the person concerned, confirmation of the order by telephone or e-mail, delivery of products. The person concerned declares that he provided all the data he provided voluntarily and that these data are true. The person concerned declares that he is aware of the consequences of providing intentionally false data, especially the fact that such an action could be classified as a criminal offense. All the rights of the data subject are published in the section of the rights of the data subject on the website of the Operator. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of a sale contract.

8.2 The operator processes the personal data of the affected persons for the purposes of discount programs, for the purposes of subscribing to the newsletter, which is considered direct marketing, and for the purposes of public opinion polls only after providing the clear and voluntary consent of the affected person in accordance with § 13 par. 1 letter a) of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") and according to Art. 6 GDPR. The person concerned shall express his consent or disagreement with the processing of personal data by checking the relevant box when ordering products through the online store or in another suitable way. If the person concerned does not check the consent box, the Operator is not authorized to process personal data for the purposes of marketing and public opinion polling. The person concerned has the right at any time after consent to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of marketing or public opinion polling, to withdraw this consent, provided that the operator immediately ensures that his personal data is not processed for the purposes in question and that these will be from the marketing and survey information systems public opinion deleted taking into account the right of the person concerned to be forgotten. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is consent.

8.3 By sending the order to the operator as the seller, the affected person honestly declares that he gives his consent in accordance with section § 13 par. 1 letter a) of the Act, for the operator to process and store her personal data, especially those listed in point 8.1 above and which are necessary for the operator's activities as a seller of products and to process them in the information system for the affected person as a customer. At the same time, the affected person honestly declares that he/she was familiar with his/her rights and with the fact that in the case of concluding a sale contract, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of the contract, the rights, duties and obligations arising from it. At the same time, the person concerned is familiar with the cross-border transfer of personal data by an intermediary to the Czech Republic as a member state of the European Union, as the Act and the GDPR fully guarantee the transfer of personal data to member states of the European Union without restrictions. The operator declares that personal data will not be transferred to third countries. The operator processes personal data for the purposes of sales and for the intention of recording concluded sales contracts between the seller and the buyer, invoices and other documents, for the purpose of transport services of the purchased products as well as for the purpose of marketing and public opinion polling, as long as the person concerned has given consent for the given purpose. The operator is authorized to provide personal data processed with the consent of the person concerned for the aforementioned purposes in order to increase the quality of the products and services provided and increase customer satisfaction. The operator undertakes to handle and dispose of the personal data of the affected person in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular the Act and the GDPR. The operator processes the personal data of the person concerned only for the period necessary to fulfill its obligations arising from the sale contract and from generally binding legal regulations while maintaining the principle of minimizing retention, taking into account the legitimate interests of the operator according to the operator's Business Terms and Conditions.

8.4 The consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked by the affected person at any time in writing. The consent will expire without unnecessary delay from the delivery of the revocation of the consent of the person concerned to the operator, and the data will subsequently be deleted. The operator does not make personal data available to any third party except when it is necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the sale contract.

8.5 The operator declares that, in accordance with the Act and the GDPR, it processes and will process the personal data of the affected persons in accordance with good morals and will act in a manner that does not contradict the Act or other generally binding legal regulations and will not circumvent them.

Art. IX. Common provisions

9.1 The contracting parties have agreed that they will communicate with each other mainly through e-mail messages, or by mail.

9.2 By sending the order, the buyer confirms that the seller has informed him of all the information according to § 3 par. 1 of Act no. 102/2014 Coll.

9.3 For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the seller's website means the website For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the seller's online store or the seller's electronic store means the seller's online store on the website

9.4 For the purpose of the sale contract, the consumer means the consumer as defined in Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection.

9.5 The sale contract is a contract concluded for a fixed period, until the fulfillment of all obligations of the contracting parties from the sale contract. The buyer's obligations from the sale contract last during the validity of the sale contract, but at the longest until their fulfillment.

9.6 The sale contract is concluded in the Slovak language.

9.7 The buyer is aware that the purchase of products from the seller does not give him any rights to use the registered brands, trade names or patents of the seller or other companies, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing.

9.8 The buyer is entitled to deliver complaints and suggestions to the seller at the address

Art. X. Final Provisions

10.1 The seller reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. The obligation to notify in writing of changes in these terms and conditions is considered to be fulfilled by placing the new wording of the terms and conditions on the seller's e-commerce website.

10.2 If the sale contract is concluded in written form, any change to it must be in written form.

10.3 These terms and conditions become effective against the buyer upon sending the electronic order to the buyer.

10.4 The seller is not responsible to the buyer for lost profit, loss of opportunities or other indirect or consequential losses as a result of non-fulfillment of the order, breach of contract or incurred in any other way.

10.5 The seller reserves the right to set off his payable claims against the buyer, when placing a new order, in the event that the buyer has not fulfilled his obligations to the seller in the past.

10.6 By sending the order, the buyer confirms that he has read these terms and conditions, which also include the Complaints Policy, in their entirety, understood their meaning and agrees with them in their entirety.